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  • There are over 100 political, ideologly, and behavioral issue scores included. Complete list here or scroll down to see examples.
  • Haystaq Issue scores can easily be appended to any voterfile. Over 215 million voters scored.
  • Scores are created or updated annually.
  • We survey over 10,000 voters every year to update our models.
  • Scores like turnout and absentee voting are based on historic data.
  • Issue Models Provided both as a 0-100 score and as a flag (example: A strong pro choice voter might have an abortion_pro_choice_score of 90 and an abortion_pro_choice_flag value of 1.)
  • Scores can be used to cut very specific universes (select universes of specific sizes). Flags are simpler to use (select everyone who supports an issue)
  • Most issues have a positive and negative score and flag (Example: Abortion has a pro_choice_score and a pro_life_score and a flag for each)
  • Haystaq score lists can be used for SMS, canvassing, live calling, email, or digital campaigns.
  • Scores can be used to enhance fundraising, persuasion and GOTV campaigns.
  • Scores can be used to suppress voters who are unlikely to be supporters.
  • Most Haystaq scores are also available on L2’s commercial file. Commercial scores can be used for new voter registration.
  • Obtain a list in 24 hours for as low as $500.
  • For additional costs, Haystaq can create custom audiences for you (complete with contact information)


    • Purchase what you would like (minimum of $500), files delivered within two business days
    • Issue Scores only – 2 cents a record.
    • Bulk Pricing
      • Nationwide – $35,000
      • Small State – $3,500 (up to 1 million voters)
      • Average State – $5,000 (1 million – 5 million)
      • Large State – $8,000 (5 million – 9 million)
      • Extra Large State – $10,000 (9 million plus)
      • Congressional District – $2,500
    • Haystaq Clusters can be added for an additional 1 cent a record
    • Email and Phone Appends can be added at the same time for an additional cost

Haystaq can also create custom models for your campaign.

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Trump vs. Harris Trump/Harris
Trump Approval Support/Oppose
Israel/Gaza Most Likely
Climate Change Support/Oppose
Absentee Voter Most Likely
Vote on Election Day Most Likely
Economic Anxiety Not Worried/Very Worried
Medicare For All Support/Oppose
Immigration Crackdown Support/Oppose
Black Lives Matter Views Support/Oppose
Views on Immigration Too Easy/Too Difficult
Marijuana Legalization Support/Oppose


Abortion Pro-choice/Pro-life
Death Penalty Support/Oppose
Gay Marriage Support Support/Oppose
Gun Laws Gun Control/Gun Rights
QANON Believer/Nonbeliever
Critical Race Theory in Books/Curriculum Allow/Ban
Race in College Admissions Consider/Not Consider
January 6th Prosecute/Non-Issue
Border Wall With Mexico Support/Oppose
Cryptocurrency Regulation Support/Oppose
Fifteen Dollar Minimum Wage Support Increase/Oppose
Income Inequality Large Problem/Not a Problem
Social Security Tax Support Tax Increase/Oppose
Federal Jobs Guarantee Support/Oppose
UBI/Universal Basic Income Support/Oppose
Union Support Support/Oppose
Corporate Monopolies Support/Oppose
Tax Reform Support/Oppose
Amazon Worker Treatment View as Exploitative/View as Good Jobs
Views on Capitalism Believe Flawed/Believe Sound
Free Community College Support/Oppose
Green New Deal Support/Oppose
Environment More Protection/Less Regulation
Climate Change Believer/Non-believer
Pipelines and Fracking Support/Oppose
Obamacare/ACA Protect/Oppose
Government Limiting of Drug Prices Support/Oppose
Opioid Crisis Major Concern/Not a Concern
Civil Liberties Protect Liberties/Protect from Terrorism
Voting for Felons Support/Oppose
ICE/Immigration Enforcement Agency Abolish/Oppose/Support
Ukraine Conflict- US Intervention Support/Oppose
Military Spending Increase/Decrease
Electoral College Support/Abolish
Federal Educational Common Core Requirements Support/Oppose
Bernie Sanders Approval Approve/Disapprove
Kamala Harris Approval Approve/Disapprove
Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez Approval Approve/Disapprove
Family Medical Leave Support/Oppose
Rank Choice Voting Support/Oppose
Violent Crime Anxiety Very Concerned/Not a Concern
Telemedicine View Positively/View Negatively
Remote Worker Most Likely


Turnout 2024 General Election Most likely
Party Identification Democrat/Republican
Party Primary Participation Democrat/Republican
Moderate Third Party Support Most Likely
Fiscal Ideology Liberal/Conservative
Social Ideology Liberal/Conservative
Type of Democrat Progressive/Moderate
Type of Republican Firebrand/Establishment
Supreme Court Consideration Most Important Issue
Tea Party Favorability Favorable/Unfavorable
Ticket Splitter Most Likely
Ballot Drop-off Voter Most likely
Political Campaign Donor Yes
Preference for a Female Candidate Most likely
Preference for a Minority Candidate Most likely
Church Attendance Frequent attendee
Religion Importance Most Important
Preferred Charity Type Environmental Cause/Veteran Support/Religious Organization
Activists Most likely
Environmentally Conscious Consumer Most likely
Mail Readership Most likely
Movie Goer Most likely
Social Media Heavy User
TV Watcher Most Likely
Most Trusted TV News Source Fox/MSNBC/CNN

Is the issue you care about missing?

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